2007年10月23日 星期二
20071016 HM Chu's order and The fundamental beliver
The world-wide travel of HM Chu is more than half-a-year. For many people are urgent to request the direction of HM Chu to treat the trouble or puzzle, the committee decide to a religious procedure to ask" is the time to dissolve the popular puzzle?".Then, the night of lunar Sept.6 (Oct. 16) is the select time to perform such a procedure. The result is that the translator is not yet choice, and the time to restore is not exactly perfect. Another hint is something uncleanning surrounding the palace, and a "protection symbol" is put on the table. 王爺公週遊寰宇 匆匆間已半年餘 蟻民有事要請教 擇日問卜眾人與

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