2007年10月23日 星期二

20071016 HM Chu's order and The fundamental beliver

The world-wide travel of HM Chu is more than half-a-year. For many people are urgent to request the direction of HM Chu to treat the trouble or puzzle, the committee decide to a religious procedure to ask" is the time to dissolve the popular puzzle?".Then, the night of lunar Sept.6 (Oct. 16) is the select time to perform such a procedure. The result is that the translator is not yet choice, and the time to restore is not exactly perfect. Another hint is something uncleanning surrounding the palace, and a "protection symbol" is put on the table. 王爺公週遊寰宇 匆匆間已半年餘 蟻民有事要請教 擇日問卜眾人與

爐主主祭跪中間 發哥在旁司儀兼 眾人站後手合十 乞求王爺威靈顯

"金杯"落地雙面現 一次一次重復見 王爺出旨時未到 信徒奉意未得閒

2007年5月21日 星期一

HM Chu is on vacation

As the human being, the god of HM Chu is on vacation. The service of disslove secular popular puzzle is interrupted. The bulletin board is to announcing the information, begining from lunar March 7th, and the dead line in not yet decided.

2007年3月7日 星期三

Happy Birthday HM CHu王爺公生日快樂

每年農曆元月十八日是左營元帝廟四甲朱府千歲的壽誕 誕辰前夕有祝壽活動 當日 則另有過七星橋儀式Every lunar Jan.18 is birthday of HM Chu,Tsoying Yuan-Di Temple. There are ceremonies held. At the eve is a warmth birthday praying ceremony. On the exact day, there is pass Seven Stars Bridge

2007年2月26日 星期一

Pray to God of Gods 拜天公 玉皇上帝誕辰

Every lunar Jan. 09 is birthday of Yu-Huang-Shan-Di( Tien-gon,God of Gods, GOG) and every temples have had simple to complex styles to pray. The HM CHu, too, is preparing the similar formula to such a ceremony

每年農曆正月初九 是玉皇上帝--天公--誕辰 大小廟宇 均有規模不一的祭祀儀式 朱府千歲執事壇 也有相同的程序

2007年2月7日 星期三

To be a God,HM Chu-05王爺入神

HM Chu, of Tsoying Yuan-Di Temple , is  not derived from Nan- Kun-Shen's(南鯤裑)Dai-Tian-Fu(代天府) as common snse, said by ancient Tsoyinger, but a floatting wooden statue pick up by ancient, have had a long time history should referred to late 16 century or early 17 century when Koxinga(國姓爺) is move to Taiwan

To be a God,HM Chu-04王爺入神

Steps by steps, the statue is modified to be perfect.台灣的王爺信仰 主要分部於西南沿海一帶,根據統計 以王爺為名的神祇 約有三百六十尊以上 其中 最普遍者為五府千歲的 李池吳朱范五尊 都以台南縣北門鄉的南鯤鮴代天府為祖廟.,王爺的"代天巡狩"信仰 初為對付瘟疫 如 plague鼠疫瘴痢 ...等 慢慢演變為驅逐惡魔 保境安民...等 其最早記載可朔及周朝 比較廣為人知者 則為唐太宗李世民為紀念五位捨生護民的書生 而追封的爵位

To be a God,HM Chu-03王爺入神

The foloowing procedure is continued.
In Taiwan, the belief of Wan-Ya(王爺,an equivalence to "brothers of an Emperor" BAE) are wide, mostly on the sashore of South-West. There are five major BAEs, namely Lee,Che, Wu, Chu and Fan( 五府千歲, 即:李,池,吳,朱,范 五府). It is the BAEs are controller, or management of plague and/or other endemic diaeases. According to Prof.Liu, C-W and Prof.Lin, M-S, the belief of BAE should referred to Chou Dynasty. Actually, it is frequently referred to Tarng Dynasty, i.e. the Emperor Lee, Shih-Ming(李世民) a story about five literary men who devote their life to people.

To be a God,HM Chu-02 王爺入神

The materials filled the hole on posterior, are ash of joss stick taken from Yuan-Di Temple. Soon after filled up with ash, it is repairing completely,then painting as well as a whole.