2007年10月23日 星期二
20071016 HM Chu's order and The fundamental beliver
The world-wide travel of HM Chu is more than half-a-year. For many people are urgent to request the direction of HM Chu to treat the trouble or puzzle, the committee decide to a religious procedure to ask" is the time to dissolve the popular puzzle?".Then, the night of lunar Sept.6 (Oct. 16) is the select time to perform such a procedure. The result is that the translator is not yet choice, and the time to restore is not exactly perfect. Another hint is something uncleanning surrounding the palace, and a "protection symbol" is put on the table. 王爺公週遊寰宇 匆匆間已半年餘 蟻民有事要請教 擇日問卜眾人與

2007年5月21日 星期一
HM Chu is on vacation
2007年3月7日 星期三
2007年2月26日 星期一
Pray to God of Gods 拜天公 玉皇上帝誕辰
2007年2月7日 星期三
To be a God,HM Chu-05王爺入神
To be a God,HM Chu-04王爺入神
To be a God,HM Chu-03王爺入神
The foloowing procedure is continued.
In Taiwan, the belief of Wan-Ya(王爺,an equivalence to "brothers of an Emperor" BAE) are wide, mostly on the sashore of South-West. There are five major BAEs, namely Lee,Che, Wu, Chu and Fan( 五府千歲, 即:李,池,吳,朱,范 五府). It is the BAEs are controller, or management of plague and/or other endemic diaeases. According to Prof.Liu, C-W and Prof.Lin, M-S, the belief of BAE should referred to Chou Dynasty. Actually, it is frequently referred to Tarng Dynasty, i.e. the Emperor Lee, Shih-Ming(李世民) a story about five literary men who devote their life to people.
To be a God,HM Chu-02 王爺入神
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