To choose the head of prayer of HM Chu is a regular schedule. On the 2007, it is held on Feb.04( an equal to lunar month of Dec. 17 as regular).On that night, the volunteer of HM Chu's are performing the schedule. First, they prayer to Heaven,then to the gods of the temple as ordinary, then the most important is choosing new one by the in-charged-head-prayer through ordinary procedures: Bowa-Buwei. Finally, the head of prayer is approved by the attendants through the opened procedures 左營元帝廟四甲朱府千歲的來年值年爐主挑選 依常規於農曆12月17日 在元帝廟舉行 除了 一般 公訂祭祀程式外 由當年爐主在朱府千歲座前 搏北(Bowa-Buwei)依得"相盃"多少 決定擔任"爐主" "副爐主".....等 在眾人目視下完成固定程序
2007年2月4日 星期日
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