2008年1月31日 星期四
新任爐主與副爐主就任 The HP and viceHP are inauguration
2008年1月27日 星期日
080126 The Banquet of Year's end of Voluteer of HM Chu
This is the first time to have a banquet at year's end as volunteer's night of HM Chu, YDTTS. There are holders of Sedan
of HM Chu, Flower's parade,and HP of pass years and the new one, members of the committee of HM Chu , Elders,

All whom devote their times to HM Chu as best as whom can

The organization retrospected to when is hardly to be traced, almost refer to early 1980 era as a independent committee to handle the praying affairs other than ordianry HP's selection. There is strick qulifying limitations and must donating NT $ 3,600.00 per year as a committe's fee.

The missions of the committee is to manage the orders from HM Chu in every aspects. There are another procedures to approve, carry the orders as noted previouly
All whom devote their times to HM Chu as best as whom can
2008年1月23日 星期三
恭喜林志隆先生被遴選為歲次戊子年(2008)爐主 Mr.CL Lin is chosen as HP 2008
Congratulation to Mr.CL Lin, one of descendant of TLF( Tsoying Lin's Family) as "tlf144112100", is chosen as Head of Prayer of 2008.
歲次 戊子年 高雄市左營區元帝廟四甲朱府千歲的值年爐主 依慣例於農曆臘月十六日夜 於元帝廟大殿舉行 由前一年爐主主擲筊 在簡單而隆重的儀式中 選出林志隆先生為來年(戊子)

The Head of Prayer of HM Chu, Yuan-Di Temple of Tsoying, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, is chosen by ordinary procedures at lunar Dec.16 in the main hall of the temple. Mr. C L Lin is appointed this honorary postition for the coming Mouse-Year(2008)

林志隆先生 即源隆電業公司董事長 亦左營源盛號林氏族人 乃第四房的第七代 居中戴眼鏡者也 其堂兄林石春(tlf144111100)先生也曾任此榮譽職(帶白帽者)
歲次 戊子年 高雄市左營區元帝廟四甲朱府千歲的值年爐主 依慣例於農曆臘月十六日夜 於元帝廟大殿舉行 由前一年爐主主擲筊 在簡單而隆重的儀式中 選出林志隆先生為來年(戊子)
林志隆先生 即源隆電業公司董事長 亦左營源盛號林氏族人 乃第四房的第七代 居中戴眼鏡者也 其堂兄林石春(tlf144111100)先生也曾任此榮譽職(帶白帽者)
CL Lin,
Head of Prayer,
HM Chu,
文章 (Atom)