2007年2月26日 星期一

Pray to God of Gods 拜天公 玉皇上帝誕辰

Every lunar Jan. 09 is birthday of Yu-Huang-Shan-Di( Tien-gon,God of Gods, GOG) and every temples have had simple to complex styles to pray. The HM CHu, too, is preparing the similar formula to such a ceremony

每年農曆正月初九 是玉皇上帝--天公--誕辰 大小廟宇 均有規模不一的祭祀儀式 朱府千歲執事壇 也有相同的程序

2007年2月7日 星期三

To be a God,HM Chu-05王爺入神

HM Chu, of Tsoying Yuan-Di Temple , is  not derived from Nan- Kun-Shen's(南鯤裑)Dai-Tian-Fu(代天府) as common snse, said by ancient Tsoyinger, but a floatting wooden statue pick up by ancient, have had a long time history should referred to late 16 century or early 17 century when Koxinga(國姓爺) is move to Taiwan

To be a God,HM Chu-04王爺入神

Steps by steps, the statue is modified to be perfect.台灣的王爺信仰 主要分部於西南沿海一帶,根據統計 以王爺為名的神祇 約有三百六十尊以上 其中 最普遍者為五府千歲的 李池吳朱范五尊 都以台南縣北門鄉的南鯤鮴代天府為祖廟.,王爺的"代天巡狩"信仰 初為對付瘟疫 如 plague鼠疫瘴痢 ...等 慢慢演變為驅逐惡魔 保境安民...等 其最早記載可朔及周朝 比較廣為人知者 則為唐太宗李世民為紀念五位捨生護民的書生 而追封的爵位

To be a God,HM Chu-03王爺入神

The foloowing procedure is continued.
In Taiwan, the belief of Wan-Ya(王爺,an equivalence to "brothers of an Emperor" BAE) are wide, mostly on the sashore of South-West. There are five major BAEs, namely Lee,Che, Wu, Chu and Fan( 五府千歲, 即:李,池,吳,朱,范 五府). It is the BAEs are controller, or management of plague and/or other endemic diaeases. According to Prof.Liu, C-W and Prof.Lin, M-S, the belief of BAE should referred to Chou Dynasty. Actually, it is frequently referred to Tarng Dynasty, i.e. the Emperor Lee, Shih-Ming(李世民) a story about five literary men who devote their life to people.

To be a God,HM Chu-02 王爺入神

The materials filled the hole on posterior, are ash of joss stick taken from Yuan-Di Temple. Soon after filled up with ash, it is repairing completely,then painting as well as a whole.

To be a God,HM Chu-01 王爺入神

HM Chu is been a God on Sept.28 2004 ( It is also Confucius' birthday).

For this blog here is to record everythings about HM Chu ( Chu-Fu-Chian-Shuei 朱府千歲, 左營元帝廟四甲 王爺公), the followings are to recall the appearance of a god as civil religion, or popular belief.There are many ways that God will forming from a wooden statue to be a spiritual god, of them as following: First, the statue as front view, lateral veiw, posterior view. The statue is wooden, a specfic wood, with posterior space excavated to be filled up with traditional materials, ash of joss stick from Hsian-Lu( 香爐 ) inside the Yuan-Di Temple as a symbol derive from origion.

2007年2月4日 星期日

To choose head of prayer 2007

To choose the head of prayer of HM Chu is a regular schedule. On the 2007, it is held on Feb.04( an equal to lunar month of Dec. 17 as regular).On that night, the volunteer of HM Chu's are performing the schedule. First, they prayer to Heaven,then to the gods of the temple as ordinary, then the most important is choosing new one by the in-charged-head-prayer through ordinary procedures: Bowa-Buwei. Finally, the head of prayer is approved by the attendants through the opened procedures 左營元帝廟四甲朱府千歲的來年值年爐主挑選 依常規於農曆12月17日 在元帝廟舉行 除了 一般 公訂祭祀程式外 由當年爐主在朱府千歲座前 搏北(Bowa-Buwei)依得"相盃"多少 決定擔任"爐主" "副爐主".....等 在眾人目視下完成固定程序